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After completion of your program, you or your dependents may be required to return to your home country for two years.

  • The requirement's intent is to provide your home country the benefit of your training and acquired skills obtained in the United States.
  • The two-year home-residency requirement is usually noted on the visa page in your passport and on the bottom left hand corner of your DS-2019.
  • If you are subject to the requirement, you are not eligible for a change of status to an "H" (temporary worker), "L" (intra company transferee), or permanent residency (green card); however, you may change status to an "A" (home government diplomat) or "G" (representative to an international organization).
  • If you are unsure whether you are subject to this requirement, you should contact your J-1 Responsible Officer in our office or a reputable immigration attorney.
  • You are usually subject to this requirement if:
    1. You were funded by your home or the U.S. government in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of participating in an exchange
    2. You have or are acquiring needed skills that are in short supply in your home country, according to the United States government's Exchange Visitor Skill List. The list, which originally appeared in 1972, was last published in full in the Federal Register on June 12, 1984 (pages 24194-242), with brief revisions in 1986, 1987, 1988 and 1993.
    3. You Are a Medical Specialist, having participated in a J-1 graduate medical education or training program, e.g., a residency, internship or fellowship sponsored by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
    4. You are a J-2 dependent of an exchange visitor who is subject to the requirement
  1. NOTE OF CAUTION: This information summarizes some very complex and sensitive issues and is intended to be an outline of the requirement and not as a legal reference. Refer to our disclaimer.