j-1-student-status-requirements Skip to main content

You must observe the following requirements to remain in status:

  1. Read and clearly understand page 2 of your Form DS-2019 as stipulated by your signature—It spells out your responsibilities.
  2. Maintain a valid passport—Federal regulations require that you maintain a valid passport at all times. International Services staff will assist upon request.
  3. Keep your passport, Form I-94, and Form DS-2019 in a safe place while here in Provo and keep these papers in your possession at all times when traveling outside of Provo.
  4. Notify International Services when changing your address—After you have provided International Services (IS) with your physical address of residence in the United States when you check in, you must notify IS with ten (10) days of any change in address. This is done by updating your address in Route Y. Address changes will be reported to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). A change in mailing address does not require reporting.
  5. Maintain the required level of personal and J-2 dependants' health insurance—Obtain and maintain the required sickness and accident insurance and medical evacuation and repatriation insurance (which meet Department of State requirements) during the duration of time you are at BYU. A willful failure to carry insurance is considered to be a violation of the exchange visitor program regulations. more
  6. Complete your educational activities within the designated time—You are permitted to participate in your program only for the period of time specified on your Form DS-2019. You may consult with IS if you have questions.

    Grace period after program ends—You are granted a thirty (30) day grace period following the end of your program in which to prepare and to leave the United States. During this time you may travel and visit any part of the country, but you are not authorized for employment.

  7. Request extensions of permission to remain in this country if necessary and if you qualify. As you continue to remain in status, you are allowed to remain in the U.S. for the time designated on your Form I-94 (a small white card entitled Departure Record) in your passport. If the card has a D/S notation instead of an expiration date, then the stay expires when the DS-2019 expires.
  8. Limit employment to that which is specifically authorized—For most J-1 principal exchange visitor categories, you will be automatically authorized for employment on campus as a part of your program participation.
  9. Obtain permission to travel on temporary visits outside the United States—You and your dependents must have your Forms DS-2019s signed by an authorized officer in International Services authorizing the travel before you leave the United States.

    Travel is only permitted before your program ending date. To re-enter the United States, you must have a current signed Form DS-2019, a valid passport and a valid J-1 visa (unless your travel was to Canada or Mexico and only for less than 30 days).

  10. Consult with International Services staff regarding any significant change you wish to make in activities, such as a reduction of course load, change of major field, employment, travel outside the United States, or transfer to another school within the United States, etc.