You are responsible to become aware of and dutifully observe the requirements to maintain your lawful status.
If you fail to do so, your lawful status will be terminated as is required by law. If you are out of status for more than five months, you may be removed from the U.S. by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and/or subject to a bar from re-entering the U.S. in the future.
If you think you are out of status, contact International Services immediately to review your situation. If you are out of status, you will not be eligible for a travel signature, change of status, employment or other F-1 benefits.
Below are details of the only two options for reinstatement:
Option 1: Apply to USCIS
Criteria--You may apply for reinstatement if you:
Have not been out of status over five months
Do not have a record of willful or repeated violations
Are currently pursuing or intend to pursue a full course of study
Have not been engaged in unauthorized employment--It is illegal to work anywhere when out of status.
Are not removable on any other grounds
Can substantiate that
the status violation resulted from circumstances beyond your control or
the status violation is related to a reduced course load that would have been within International Services power to authorize and
failure to approve reinstatement would result in extreme hardship.
How to Apply
Complete a Form I-539--may be downloaded here and filled in by using your keyboard before printing or obtained from International Services after verifying with International Services that you are out of status and discussing your situation with your advisor.
Make copies of your passport pages including your visa, passport number and expiration date, and your picture.
Include your original Departure Record--Form I-94. This small white card is usually stapled to your passport next to your visa.
Request a reinstatement Form I-20 from International Services.
Draft a written request for reinstatement addressed "To Whom It May Concern." Consider including the following suggested items:
Reason for falling out of status
Provide support/documentation that the violation was beyond your control.
Make the request that you be reinstated to your F-1 student status giving all of the reasons to do so--one ought to be so that you might be able to complete the requirements of your program--list them and when you plan to graduate.
You might explain the negative impact that a failure to obtain reinstatement would have on you.
Indicate that you are currently pursuing a full course of study or that you are making arrangements to do so during the next enrollment period.
Personal declaration that you will follow all of the F-1 regulations if reinstated
Leave the U.S. on a valid passport and visa and reenter at the port of entry.
Upon admittance to the U.S. the officer will stamp your new I-94 with "F-1 D/S" status which will regain your F-1 status.
Although you will be considered in valid F-1 status after reentry, this option is not the same as reinstatement, and it does not forgive your past violation(s).
Upon your return to campus, you will be eligible for on-campus employment, but you will not be eligible for off-campus or Economic Hardship employment until after you have completed a full course of study for one full academic year after regaining F-1 status.