j-1-student-exceptions Skip to main content

If you are unable to enroll for and complete a full course of study during a required semester, you must receive approval from International Services before reducing your credit hours after the add/drop deadline in order to maintain your J-1 status. Typical qualifying exceptions include the following:

  • Academic Training--requirement by your department to engage in full-time training such as an internship
  • Bona fide Academic Reason
    • If, for compelling reasons, you are not able to pursue a full course of study for a semester
    • Provide a written statement from your department on letterhead recommending that you reduce your academic load from a full course of study due to an academic reason.
  • Medical Problem
    • An illness or other medical condition that interrupts your ability to maintain a full course of study
    • You should obtain a statement from a medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, or licensed clinical psychologist recommending the interruption or reduction in studies. (Medical statements must be written on institution letterhead and include the date and appropriate signature.)
  • Program Completion--completed all course work and are preparing for comprehensive examinations or are engaged in research on your thesis or dissertation, you are only required to maintain matriculation (thesis credits)
    • Obtain a signed, dated letter on letterhead from your department that you have completed your coursework but have remaining research or dissertation/thesis hours before completion of your degree.
    • Submit the letter to International Services.
  • Vacation
    • You are not required to register for classes during your annual vacation--typically during the spring and summer terms--if you are eligible and intend to register for the next semester or term
    • Check with International Services if you have any questions about your vacation eligibility. More about vacation