J-1 Visa Holders Skip to main content

J-1 Visa Holders

  • Your J-1 lawful status is the official U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ (USCIS) designation and authorization of your stay in the U.S. as a non-immigrant professor or scholar.

    • This status is granted at your port of entry by a USCIS officer who reviews your visa and other documents, and upon your admittance, writes your immigration status and the length of time you may remain in the U.S. on your Form I-94 and Form DS-2019 (shown above).
    • Your permission to stay in the U.S. is based upon that status. You will probably have “D/S” as the length of stay; it means “duration of status” until the program completion date noted on your Form DS-2019—providing you continue to maintain the requirements of your status.
    • In most instances, your visa category and immigration status will be the same, J-1, unless you change your lawful status after entering the U.S. For example, you may change from J-1 status to J-2 status as a dependent of an J-1.
    • Since you are responsible to learn and observe the requirements to maintain your status, we encourage you to carefully review all of the related materials on this site. If you are unsure of any of the requirements, please consult with International Services’ staff.

    Immigration matters are the responsibility of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

  • Your J-1 lawful status is the official U.S. government designation and authorization of your stay in the U.S. as a non-immigrant student.

    Before leaving the port of entry, check to make sure this information has been entered in your documents.

    This status is granted at your port of entry by a Customs and Border Protection officer who reviews your visa and other documents, and upon your admittance, writes your immigration status and the length of time you may remain in the U.S. on your Form I-94 shown below). fact sheet

    • You will probably have “D/S” as the length of stay; it means “duration of status” until the program completion date noted on your Form DS-2019—providing you continue to maintain the requirements of your status.
    • In most instances, your visa category and immigration status will be the same, J-1, unless you change your lawful status after entering the U.S. For example, you may change from J-1 status as a student to J-2 status as a dependent of an J-1.
    • Since you are responsible to learn and observe the requirements to maintain your status, we encourage you to carefully review all of the related materials on this site. If you are unsure of any of the requirements, please consult with International Student Services' staff.

    Immigration matters are the responsibility of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

For Students and Professors

  • The Exchange Visitor Program (J-visa types) provides opportunities for international candidates looking to travel and gain experience in the United States. The multifaceted programs enable foreign nationals to come to the U.S. to teach, study, conduct research, demonstrate special skills or receive on the job training for periods ranging from a few weeks to several years.

    The general purpose of the Exchange Visitor Program is to promote international educational and cultural exchange to develop mutual understanding between the people of the United States and other countries. As a non-immigrant visa type, all exchange visitors are expected to return to their home country upon completion of their program in order to share their exchange experiences.>

    Prospective EVs must meet the following eligibility requirements:

    • Educational and professional qualifications to meet their program objective
    • English-language proficiency as determined through a recognized English language test (English3, TOEFL, IELTS, CAE)
    • Documented individual financial resources of at least $2,000 per month and dependent resources of $2,500 per year per dependent
    • Personal commitment to abide by the Church Education System Honor Code

    Only BYU departments are authorized to request a J-1 visa document (DS-2019) from International Student and Scholar Services. BYU does not accept DS-2019 requests directly from prospective EV applicants.

    The following J-1 visa categories are available at BYU:

    • Student Non-Degree Seeking:
      • Foreign student pursuing a degree at a postsecondary academic institution outside the United States and
      • who is coming to BYU for up to 24 months as a non-matriculated student earning credit for their home-university program
    • Student Degree Seeking: Foreign, admitted student coming to earn a degree at BYU
    • Student Intern:
      • Foreign student pursuing a degree at a postsecondary academic institution outside the United States and
      • whose internship at BYU–which can last up to one year–will fulfill educational objectives for their home-degree program
    • Short-Term Scholar: Credentialed professor, research scholar, specialist or person with similar education or accomplishments coming to BYU on a short-term visit of up to six months to
      • lecture,
      • observe,
      • consult,
      • train or
      • demonstrate special research skills
    • Specialist: Expert in a field of specialized knowledge or skill coming to BYU for up to 12 months to
      • observe,
      • consult or
      • demonstrate special skills
    • Professor: Credentialed professor coming to BYU for up to five years primarily to
      • teach,
      • lecture,
      • observe or
      • consult
    • Research Scholar: Credentialed scholar involved in a BYU research project for up to five years primarily to
      • conduct research,
      • observe or
      • consult

    Health Insurance

    U.S. Government regulations require J-1 and J-2 visa holders to have health insurance during their entire stay in the United States. Please refer to the Insurance section of this web site for more information on health insurance policies that fulfill these requirements. During a scholar's time at BYU, their obligation to maintain the required health insurance coverage will be acknowledged and confirmed.

    Two-year Residency Requirement

    • In some cases, the J-1 visa carries a "two-year home country residence requirement" which requires J visa holders to return to their home countries for two years before being eligible for certain non-immigrant visas and all immigrant visas. This restriction applies to those financially supported by the U.S. government (e.g. Fulbright grantees) or by their own governments (including travel grants) during any part of their stay in the United States in J visa status. In addition, the two-year home country residence requirement is imposed on those whose skills are needed in their home countries, as registered in the Exchange Visitor Skills List.
    • Under certain circumstances, it is possible to obtain a waiver of the two-year home country residence requirement. EVs should check with International Student Services for further information.

    Government Exchange Visitor Information

    Further information can be requested through e-mail at intloff@byu.edu or by phone at 801-422-2695.

  • There are many details to know and understand about your program. The information below will assist you in being informed and in making appropriate decisions concerning your program.

    • Program Length: How long you can stay at BYU
      • Student: Until you complete your studies
      • Short-Term Scholar: Six months maximum
      • Specialist: One year maximum
      • Researcher or professor: 60 months maximum
    • Extension of Program
      • Based upon your classification, if it is necessary for you to extend and you are eligible for an extension beyond that listed on item #3 of your Form DS-2019, you may request an extension by completing the following steps:
        1. At least 30 days before your program ending date (see item #3 on Form DS-2019), have your department complete a Request for Renewal of Extension of Form DS-2019.
        2. You must sign the request.
        3. If you are being funded and insured by a third party, proof of continued support for the duration of the extension must be documented and attached.
        4. Your department will submit the completed form to International Services for the issuance of an updated Form DS-2019.
        5. The new DS-2019 will be returned to your department to give to you.
    • Transfer of Program Sponsors
      • You may transfer from one program sponsor to another if the purpose of the transfer is to complete the objective for which you were admitted to exchange-visitor status, and if you remain within the same category.
      • Procedure
        1. Obtain a new DS-2019 from the new sponsor.
        2. Take the new DS-2019 to the Responsible Officer of the current sponsor and have him/her sign Part #8 of the DS-2019. (If the current sponsor agrees that the transfer is for the purpose of completing the original objective and is consistent with the goals of the exchange-visitor program, he/she will sign the form, thus releasing sponsorship.)
        3. Submit the new DS-2019 (with the signature releasing sponsorship) to International Services.
    • Leaving the United States Between Sponsors
      • If you are leaving the United States temporarily between sponsors, it is not necessary to obtain the endorsement of the previous sponsor. Instead, you simply use the new Form DS-2019 to reenter the United States. If your visa has expired, you will need to obtain a new one to reenter the States.

    Click here to learn more about the Exchange Visitor program.

  • Before arriving on campus you should carefully read and understand the following information:

    • General Information Applying to Everyone
      • Department/Sponsor Consultations
        • It is vitally important that you understand your specific duties, length of time, and any compensation or reimbursement associated with your activities.
        • Consult with your department until that information is clear and agreeable.
      • Passport
        • As an exchange visitor, you are required to have a valid passport to enter the United States and at all times while you are here.
      • Church Educational System Honor Code Observance
    • Specific Information Based Upon Your Length of Time on Campus

      • If you are going to be on campus for nine days or less
        • Visa—Your department will send you a letter of invitation which you must present to the U.S. Consulate officer in order to obtain a B-1 visa. Canadians also do not need a visa to enter the U.S. Additionally, if you are from a Visa Waiver Program country and are going to be in the U.S. less than 90 days, you do not need a visa.
        • Port of Entry in the U.S.—Your department letter must also be presented to an immigration officer at the port of entry where you will be issued a Form I-94 (departure record and permission to be in the country) specifying "B-1" immigration status. If you are Canadian, you do not need B-1 status on your Form I-94 if you declare that you are entering the U.S. on business. If you are from a Visa Waiver Program country, present your letter and valid passport at the port of entry and request a WB Form I-94. In order to qualify for a WB Form I-94, you must be in possession of a valid passport and a round-trip, nontransferable transportation ticket. The visa waiver program allows business or tourist activity for a maximum of 90 days; it is not possible to extend or change your status. more
      • If you are going to be on campus for more than nine days
        • Form DS-2019—You must have a Form DS-2019 in your possession to enter the country as an exchange visitor. This U.S. government form will indicate the nature of your activities at BYU and will specify your program length.
          • Scholars, Specialists, Professors and Researchers—As you consult with your department in preparation to coming to campus, a representative will submit to International Services a Request For Issuance of Form DS-2019.
        • Health Insurance Requirement
          • You are required to have medical insurance in effect for yourself and any dependents in J-visa status for the duration of your program. Some sponsors provide the required insurance for their participants. Other sponsors may allow you to make your own arrangements or may help to identify insurance carriers. Consult with your responsible officer before the start of your program. more
        • J-1 Visa—Unless you are Canadian, you will need a J-1 visa to enter the U.S.as an exchange visitor.
          • Application Procedure
            • You should apply for your visa at the U.S. Consulate or Embassy which has jurisdiction over your place of residence.
            • The consular office may require the following:
              • A valid passport and a properly executed Form DS-2019 from Brigham Young University.
              • Documents to establish that you are a bona fide nonimmigrant Exchange Visitor.
              • Evidence that you have adequate financial support for your entire stay in the United States.
              • Evidence that you have a residence in your home country which you have no intention of abandoning.
              • The consular officer may require other documents or evidence to ensure that you meet all the requirements of an Exchange Visitor. Please cooperate fully with these requests.
            • If the consular officer approves your application for a J-1 visa, he/she will stamp the visa on the appropriate page of your passport and note the period of validity of the visa and the number of entries for which it is valid.
            • The officer will also note on the Form DS-2019 whether or not you are subject to the Two-year Home Residency Requirement.
            • The officer then will return your Form DS-2019 to you.
            • Current wait times
        • Bringing Dependents With You—You may request permission from your department to bring dependents with you who are under the age of 21.
          • Since they will need their own Form DS-2019s, you must provide your department with the names, ages, genders, and countries of residence for each.
          • A representative will submit to International Services a Request for Issuance of Form DS 20-19 for Dependants.
          • Your dependent spouse may work if the employment is not related to your financial support. J-2 dependents may also take classes. more
        • Upon Arrival at the United States Port of Entry—Before you will be admitted to the United States, you will required to present your passport, visa, and Form DS-2019 to the Immigration inspector.
          • When you are admitted, the Immigration inspector should stamp your Form DS-2019 in red and write "J-1" and "D/S" before returning it to you.
          • The inspector should also stamp your Form I-94 (Arrival-Departure Record) in red and write "J-1" and "D/S" indicating the date and place of admission to the United States, your immigration classification, and your authorized length of stay. Keep these documents in a safe and accessible place during your stay in the United States.
          • more

    Click here to learn more.

  • In addition to the orientation which the department will provide, have your department representative assist you in meeting the following requirements:

    • International Student Services Check-in
      • Go with your passport, visa, Form I-94 (you will have to print it) and Form DS-2019 to International Student Services. International Student Services will provide critical information in an orientation which will include the following:
      • You must observe the following requirements to remain in status:
        1. Read and clearly understand page 2 of your Form DS-2019 as stipulated by your signature—It spells out your responsibilities.
        2. Maintain a valid passport—Federal regulations require that you maintain a valid passport at all times. International Services staff will assist upon request.
        3. Keep your passport, Form I-94, and Form DS-2019 in a safe place while here in Provo and keep these papers in your possession at all times when traveling outside of Provo.
        4. Notify International Services when changing your address—After you have provided International Services (IS) with your physical address of residence in the United States when you check in, you must notify IS with ten (10) days of any change in address. This is done by updating your address in Route Y. Address changes will be reported to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). A change in mailing address does not require reporting.
        5. Maintain the required level of personal and J-2 dependants' health insurance—Obtain and maintain the required sickness and accident insurance and medical evacuation and repatriation insurance (which meet Department of State requirements) during the duration of time you are at BYU. A willful failure to carry insurance is considered to be a violation of the exchange visitor program regulations. more
        6. Complete your educational activities within the designated time—You are permitted to participate in your program only for the period of time specified on your Form DS-2019. You may consult with IS if you have questions.
          Grace period after program ends—You are granted a thirty (30) day grace period following the end of your program in which to prepare and to leave the United States. During this time you may travel and visit any part of the country, but you are not authorized for employment.
        7. Request extensions of permission to remain in this country if necessary and if you qualify. As you continue to remain in status, you are allowed to remain in the U.S. for the time designated on your Form I-94 (a small white card entitled Departure Record) in your passport. If the card has a D/S notation instead of an expiration date, then the stay expires when the DS-2019 expires.
        8. Limit employment to that which is specifically authorized—For most J-1 principal exchange visitor categories, you will be automatically authorized for employment on campus as a part of your program participation.
        9. Obtain permission to travel on temporary visits outside the United States—You and your dependents must have your Forms DS-2019s signed by an authorized officer in International Services authorizing the travel before you leave the United States.

          Travel is only permitted before your program ending date. To re-enter the United States, you must have a current signed Form DS-2019, a valid passport and a valid J-1 visa (unless your travel was to Canada or Mexico and only for less than 30 days).

        10. Consult with International Services staff regarding any significant change you wish to make in activities, such as a reduction of course load, change of major field, employment, travel outside the United States, or transfer to another school within the United States, etc.
    • Employment Procedures (work permit, Form I-9 and W-4 Form)
      • If you are being employed by BYU as a part of your Exchange Visitor Program (see item #4 on the Form DS-2019), International Services will issue you a non-student work permit. You must then go to the Faculty Personnel Office (D-353 ASB) for processing to satisfy Form I-9 requirements. Also you must go to the Payroll Office to complete a W-4 Form and possible tax treaty papers.

    Click here to learn more.

  • After completion of your program, you or your dependents may be required to return to your home country for two years.

    • The requirement's intent is to provide your home country the benefit of your training and acquired skills obtained in the United States.
    • The two-year home-residency requirement is usually noted on the visa page in your passport and on the bottom left hand corner of your DS-2019.
    • If you are subject to the requirement, you are not eligible for a change of status to an "H" (temporary worker), "L" (intra company transferee), or permanent residency (green card); however, you may change status to an "A" (home government diplomat) or "G" (representative to an international organization).
    • If you are unsure whether you are subject to this requirement, you should contact your J-1 Responsible Officer in our office or a reputable immigration attorney.
    • You are usually subject to this requirement if:
      1. You were funded by your home or the U.S. government in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, for the purpose of participating in an exchange
      2. You have or are acquiring needed skills that are in short supply in your home country, according to the United States government's Exchange Visitor Skill List. The list, which originally appeared in 1972, was last published in full in the Federal Register on June 12, 1984 (pages 24194-242), with brief revisions in 1986, 1987, 1988 and 1993.
      3. You Are a Medical Specialist, having participated in a J-1 graduate medical education or training program, e.g., a residency, internship or fellowship sponsored by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
      4. You are a J-2 dependent of an exchange visitor who is subject to the requirement
    1. NOTE OF CAUTION: This information summarizes some very complex and sensitive issues and is intended to be an outline of the requirement and not as a legal reference. Refer to our disclaimer.
  • You are required to have medical insurance in effect for yourself and any dependents in J-visa status for the duration of your program. Please click on the link below for more information:

  • Following are general guidelines and requirements for travel and reentry for J-1 students. However, because individual circumstances vary, consult with International Student Services, your embassy or legal advisor before traveling.

    Inside the U.S.

    • Special permission is not required for you to travel within the U.S.
    • Whenever you travel outside the Provo area, you are advised to carry your

    Outside the U.S.

    • Questions and Answers about Exchange Visitor Program: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/study/exchange.html
    • Documents
      • Entry to another country—other countries have rules and restrictions on who can enter their country and how
        • If you travel to your country of citizenship or permanent residence, you will generally be allowed to enter if you have a valid passport or other travel document issued by that country.
        • If you travel to a third country (a country other than the U.S. or your home country), you are responsible for knowing whether you need an entry visa for that country.
          • Some countries will require a visa. You may also need an in-transit visa for countries where you are making a connecting flight. Most countries have immigration websites that provide visa information.
          • Canada—Persons from many countries are required to obtain a Canadian entry visa when entering Canada from the United States. Visas may be obtained from the Canadian Consulate General. Consult the Canadian Consulate General for visa regulations concerning your country before making travel arrangements.
          • Mexico—Tourist cards or visas may be required for travel to Mexico. Information is available here.
      • Re-entry to the U.S.
        • Visa—must
          • be valid
          • allow further entries and
          • match your current status listed on your I-94
        • Passport
          • Must be valid for at least six months into the future; however,
          • Some passports are only required to be valid when you enter the U.S.
        • Form I-94—you should not surrender your current I-94 when you exit the U.S. unless you have changed your status and will be returning with a new visa.
        • Form DS-2019 that
          • Is issued by BYU
          • Is current
          • Contains an endorsement signature from International Services for travel on page 1
            • That signature is valid for 12 months
          • Current financial documentation issued within the last four months
          • Letter of lawful status—International Services will provide this certification upon your request.
          • more
      • Special Situations
        • Pending Applications for adjustment of Status—If you have a pending application for adjustment of your non-immigrant status to permanent residency, you will need permission to travel before leaving the U.S. by obtaining Advance Parole. more
        • Post-completion Academic Training
          • If you have both documentation for your academic training and of a job, you should not experience difficulty reentering the United States.
          • If either of these two conditions is missing, then you are assuming risk when you travel.
        • You may not renter during the 30-day grace period after completing your program or academic training.
        • If you require a new visa, there is no guarantee that you will be readmitted.

For Students Only

  • International Student Vacation Policy

    Section 8 of the Code of Federal Regulations § 214.2(f)(5)(iii) provides for annual vacation.

    Eight-month Eligibility Requirement:

    As a BYU student holding F-1 or J-1 visa status, you must complete one academic year (eight months) before you qualify for vacation. This is defined as two semesters or one semester and spring and summer terms.

    If you transfer to BYU while being enrolled full-time at another U.S. college or university, you may count your prior enrollment towards meeting the eight-month eligibility requirement upon successful completion of full-time study during your first BYU enrollment period.

    One-time exception to the eight-month requirement: If you entered the U.S. to enroll at BYU on a new initial I-20 SEVIS record for winter semester, you are eligible for vacation during the following spring and summer terms without having met the eight-month eligibility requirement.

    Approved medical reduced course loads permit less than full-time enrollment, but those enrollment periods are counted as being full-time and not as vacation.

    Provisions while on vacation:

    • Federal regulations prohibit you from graduating/completing your program while on vacation. You must register for on-campus classes during your final semester or term. Likewise, you must enroll in classes during the next available enrollment period after your annual vacation.
    • You may enroll in classes if you choose. If so, you do not have to be enrolled full-time.
    • You may work more than 20 hours per week, even if you are enrolled in some classes. All off-campus employment must be authorized first through International Student and Scholar Services.
    • You do not need to apply for spring-summer vacation. However, if you choose to take your annual vacation during fall or winter semester, you must apply to International Student and Scholar Services by submitting a Vacation Request E-form found on line at https://ist.byu.edu, or in our office at 1351 WSC. This requires that you have been in full-time attendance for eight months prior to your vacation and intend to be enrolled full-time afterward.

    Revised 05/2018

  • You must observe the following requirements to remain in status:

    1. Read and clearly understand page 2 of your Form DS-2019 as stipulated by your signature—It spells out your responsibilities.
    2. Maintain a valid passport—Federal regulations require that you maintain a valid passport at all times. International Services staff will assist upon request.
    3. Keep your passport, Form I-94, and Form DS-2019 in a safe place while here in Provo and keep these papers in your possession at all times when traveling outside of Provo.
    4. Notify International Services when changing your address—After you have provided International Services (IS) with your physical address of residence in the United States when you check in, you must notify IS with ten (10) days of any change in address. This is done by updating your address in Route Y. Address changes will be reported to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). A change in mailing address does not require reporting.
    5. Maintain the required level of personal and J-2 dependants' health insurance—Obtain and maintain the required sickness and accident insurance and medical evacuation and repatriation insurance (which meet Department of State requirements) during the duration of time you are at BYU. A willful failure to carry insurance is considered to be a violation of the exchange visitor program regulations. more
    6. Complete your educational activities within the designated time—You are permitted to participate in your program only for the period of time specified on your Form DS-2019. You may consult with IS if you have questions.

      Grace period after program ends—You are granted a thirty (30) day grace period following the end of your program in which to prepare and to leave the United States. During this time you may travel and visit any part of the country, but you are not authorized for employment.

    7. Request extensions of permission to remain in this country if necessary and if you qualify. As you continue to remain in status, you are allowed to remain in the U.S. for the time designated on your Form I-94 (a small white card entitled Departure Record) in your passport. If the card has a D/S notation instead of an expiration date, then the stay expires when the DS-2019 expires.
    8. Limit employment to that which is specifically authorized—For most J-1 principal exchange visitor categories, you will be automatically authorized for employment on campus as a part of your program participation.
    9. Obtain permission to travel on temporary visits outside the United States—You and your dependents must have your Forms DS-2019s signed by an authorized officer in International Services authorizing the travel before you leave the United States.

      Travel is only permitted before your program ending date. To re-enter the United States, you must have a current signed Form DS-2019, a valid passport and a valid J-1 visa (unless your travel was to Canada or Mexico and only for less than 30 days).

    10. Consult with International Services staff regarding any significant change you wish to make in activities, such as a reduction of course load, change of major field, employment, travel outside the United States, or transfer to another school within the United States, etc.
  • If you need more time to finish your program beyond the completion date on your Form DS-2019, you must apply for an Extension of Program before the completion date. We recommend that you apply no less than 30 days prior.

    • Eligibility and Requirements
      • You must not only be eligible to extend but must do so prior to your DS-2019 completion date, or you will be out of status and will be required to reinstate before you may continue your studies.
        Note: If you have not completed your program and your DS-2019 completion date has already passed without your having extended, you should immediately make an appointment with your International Services advisor.
      • To qualify, you must
        • be a nonimmigrant currently maintaining student status and are able to, and in good faith intending to, continue maintaining that status for the period in which the extension would be granted
        • be able to show that the delay was caused by compelling academic or medical reasons such as changes of major or research topics, loss of credits upon transfer to BYU, unexpected research problems, or documented illnesses—Delays caused by academic probation or suspension are not acceptable reasons for program extension.
      • You may not extend and then immediately take vacation.
    • Application Procedure
      1. Department Approval Letter—Obtain a letter from your department on its letterhead and signed by your advisor stating your expected completion date and an explanation as to why it is taking longer to complete your program than the original completion date listed on your Form DS-2019.
      2. Request a New Form DS-2019—International Services.
      3. Proof of Finances—Obtain updated proof of finances if your current documents are more than three months old. This is evidence showing enough financial support for the duration of the requested extension.
      4. Submit Materials—Submit the materials for numbers 1, 2 and 3 to International Services for processing.
      5. New Form DS-2019—Once the application is approved, International Services will provide you with a new DS-2019 reflecting the extended date of completion. If you have dependents in J-2 status, they will also be provided new DS-2019s with your program extension date.
  • Please inform International Services when you permanently depart from BYU by completing and submitting a Departure Notice.

    The University is required to notify SEVIS when you are no longer enrolled, including the reason (i.e., transfer of schools, departed the U.S., completed program, changed status, etc.) which remains a permanent part of your record and may have an affect on your future eligibility to enter the U.S. If you fail to inform us of your departure, we may have to terminate your record for "failure to enroll."

    Available options upon leaving BYU after completion of your program of studies

    • Change of status if you qualify —i.e., to H-1B, PR, F-2
    • Training
      • As an J-1, you must apply for Academic Training BEFORE completion of your program.
      • After your training, you have a 30-day grace period as to return to school, change status or return home.
    • Return home
      • As an J-1, you are allowed to remain in the U.S. for up to 30 days in preparation for your return home.
    • Transfer Educational Level or Transfer Schools within 30 days
      • Transfer to another educational level at BYU such as from master's to doctorate.
      • Transfer to another school—you must request your SEVIS record be transferred to your new school in order to maintain your J-1 status.
        • Eligibility
          • Admittance to another school
          • Current maintenance of your lawful status, including
          • NOTE: In order to attend your new school if you are ineligible for transfer of schools because you are out of status, you must
            • Apply to USCIS for reinstatement OR
            • Leave the country and renter with an initial Form DS-2019 from your new school.
        • Procedure
          • After being accepted as a student at the school where you plan to transfer, your new school will either send or have you bring to BYU International Services a form to verify your transfer eligibility from BYU.
          • International Services then completes and returns the transfer eligibility form to your new school.
          • Complete and submit a Transfer Out Form to BYU International Services.
          • International Services will transfer your SEVIS record effective the date you designate on your Transfer Out Form.
            NOTE:Your employment benefits at BYU terminate on the effective transfer date.
          • Enroll in a full course of study during your initial semester or term specified on your new DS-2019.
            NOTE: You are not subject to the $100 SEVIS fee.
          • Check in with your new school upon your arrival to that campus

    Available options upon leaving BYU before completion of your program of studies

    • Authorized withdrawal—Upon receiving authorization for early withdrawal by International Services, you may remain in the U.S. for up to 15 days following the withdrawal date noted in SEVIS to prepare to depart the U.S.
    • Unapproved withdrawal or termination—If you fail to maintain status, or withdraw from school or otherwise terminate or interrupt your course of studies without first obtaining International Services' approval in SEVIS, you are not eligible for any grace period, and are considered under the regulations to be out of status.
  • The focus of your experience in the U.S. should be to successfully complete your graduate course of study.

    It is vital that you become personally acquainted with your professors, teaching assistants and fellow classmates. Seek their help in your learning. Get connected early and stay connected. These relationships will prove to be of great assistance to you in your studies and also in your personal and professional endeavors.

    During your initial semester or term and each semester or term of enrollment thereafter, except for vacations and approved exceptions, you are required to complete a full course of study.

    • 9 hours for each semester attended
    • 4.5 hours for each term attended

    Withdrawal (W) grades do not count toward your total minimum hours. Once registered, make certain that you do not withdraw from any classes after the add/drop deadline without first clearing it with International Services. Grade Information

  • If you are unable to enroll for and complete a full course of study during a required semester, you must receive approval from International Services before reducing your credit hours after the add/drop deadline in order to maintain your J-1 status. Typical qualifying exceptions include the following:

    • Academic Training--requirement by your department to engage in full-time training such as an internship
    • Bona fide Academic Reason
      • If, for compelling reasons, you are not able to pursue a full course of study for a semester
      • Provide a written statement from your department on letterhead recommending that you reduce your academic load from a full course of study due to an academic reason.
    • Medical Problem
      • An illness or other medical condition that interrupts your ability to maintain a full course of study
      • You should obtain a statement from a medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, or licensed clinical psychologist recommending the interruption or reduction in studies. (Medical statements must be written on institution letterhead and include the date and appropriate signature.)
    • Program Completion--completed all course work and are preparing for comprehensive examinations or are engaged in research on your thesis or dissertation, you are only required to maintain matriculation (thesis credits)
      • Obtain a signed, dated letter on letterhead from your department that you have completed your coursework but have remaining research or dissertation/thesis hours before completion of your degree.
      • Submit the letter to International Services.
    • Vacation
      • You are not required to register for classes during your annual vacation--typically during the spring and summer terms--if you are eligible and intend to register for the next semester or term
      • Check with International Services if you have any questions about your vacation eligibility. More about vacation
  • You must personally request and authorize your SEVIS record be transferred to your new school in order to maintain your F-1 status.

    • Eligibility
      • Admittance to another school
      • Current maintenance of your lawful status, including
        • Enrollment in a full course of study OR
        • Participation in optional practical training
          • There are international sections of courses such as English, American Heritage and some religion courses.
          • Refer to the class schedule for details. Also refer to your department advisor.
          • Students who are not LDS are strongly encouraged to enroll in REL C 100, Introduction to Mormonism, during their first semester in residence. REL C 100 may be used to fill either the New Testament or Doctrine and Covenants requirement.
          • These classes fulfill the GE requirement the same way the general sections would. For more specific information, contact individual academic departments.
      • NOTE: In order to attend your new school if you are ineligible for transfer of schools because you are out of status, you must
        • Apply to USCIS for reinstatement OR
        • Leave the country and renter with an initial Form I-20 from your new school.
    • Procedure
      • After being accepted as a student at the school where you plan to transfer, your new school will either send or have you bring to BYU International Services a form to verify your transfer eligibility from BYU.
      • International Services then completes and returns the transfer eligibility form to your new school.
      • Complete and submit a Transfer Out Form to BYU International Services.
      • International Services will transfer your SEVIS record effective the date you designate on your Transfer Out Form.
        NOTE:Your employment benefits at BYU terminate on the effective transfer date.
      • Enroll in a full course of study during your initial semester or term specified on your new Form I-20.
        NOTE: You are not subject to the $200 SEVIS fee.
      • Check in with your new school upon your arrival to that campus
  • Scholarships, Assistantships and Fellowships

    • If your program is sponsored by an organization other than BYU, you will need to obtain written permission for employment from that organization in order for International Services to authorize your employment.
    • If you already have an assistantship considered to be equivalent to 20 hours a week, you are not eligible for additional on-campus employment.

    On-campus employment is permitted, provided you

    • are in good academic standing
    • continue to engage in a full course of study--not required to be enrolled during annual vacation
    • work no more than 20 hours per week when school is in session
    • have approval from International Services before you begin

    Please consult with International Services regarding questions of employment.

  • You may request authorization to work off campus in certain limited circumstances that are detailed below:

    Pre and Post Completion Academic Training

    • Eligibility
      • As long as you stay within the stipulated time limits, as a J-1 student, you may participate in part-time training while school is in session or full-time training during vacation periods and after completion of course work while completing a thesis or dissertation providing:
        • The training is for the sole purpose of training,
        • It is related to your major field of study,
        • You are in good academic standing and
        • You receive written approval in advance from International Services

      NOTE: Your completion date is the completion date of all program requirements, not necessarily the last day of the last semester attended or the graduation date.

    • Requirements

      • Must apply prior to the completion of your course of study
      • Must maintain your health insurance for the duration of the training
      • For Post-completion, must begin your training within 30 days of completion of your program of studies
    • Conditions
      • Pre-completion academic training is counted as full-time even though it can not be more than 20 hours per week.
      • Any pre-completion part-time academic training time will be deducted from the available 18 (for masters) or 36 (for doctorate) months of training, leaving the remaining months for post-completion training.
      • Authorization for training is automatically terminated if you transfer to another school or begin study at another educational level.
      • Lawful J-1 status expires after the 30-day grace period following completion of training.
      • You may be subject to the two-year residency requirement after your completing.
    • Application ProcedureTo allow sufficient planning and approval time, we recommend that you consult with an advisor in this office at least six months prior the anticipated completion of your program of studies.Step 1--Submit the following to International Services:
      • Signed letter from your academic academic dean or advisor setting forth the following:
        • The goals and objectives of the specific training program,
        • A description of the training program including
          • its location,
          • the name and address of the training supervisor,
          • number of hours per week and dates of the training,
          • How the training relates to the student's major field of study, and
          • Why it is an integral or critical part of the student's academic program.
        • For Post Completion Academic training, include the salary.

      Step 2--The Responsible Officer will then review the request and the letter:

      • If the criteria and time limitations set forth in 22CFR 1514.23(f)(3) and (4), summarized above, are satisfied, your request will be approved.
      • Return to International Services within three to five days for your authorization to participate in the academic training.

    Severe Economic Hardship

    • Authorization may be given when necessary because of serious, urgent and unforeseen economic circumstances that have arisen since acquiring J-1 status; however, employment is limited to 20-hours while school is in session but may be more than 20 hours during school vacations. Apply at International Services.